Welcome to your Respiratory Therapy Name: Email: [A physician has ordered an aerosol treatment with 4 mL acetylcysteine (Mucomyst), 20% concentration. The patient develops end-expiratory wheezes. You should:] administer 10 mg beclomethasone (Vanceril) discontinue therapy and notify the physician administer the treatment as ordered change to 2.5 mg albuterol (Proventil) None . [You are called to the ER to help in the assessment and care of a patient admitted with CHF and severe pulmonary edema. While starting an intravenous line, the physician tells you to give the patient O2. You would start the following:] A nonrebreathing mask A nasal cannula at 4 L/min A simple face mask at 5 L/min A 35% air-entrainment mask None . [On reviewing an ECG print-out you note widened QRS complexes. Which of the following is the most likely cause of this problem?] atrial fibrillation 1st degree heart block sinus arrhythmia bundle branch block None . [Which of the following may cause an increase in the AP diameter of the chest in a pediatric patient?] Cystic Fibrosis Pneumonia Pectus Excavatum  Kyphosis None . [Which of the following is a clinical indicator of ventricular afterload?] LVEDP CVP PCWP MAP None . [An intubated adult patient with severe expiratory airway obstruction requires ventilatory support. Which of the following capabilities would be most important in selecting a ventilator for this patient?] ability to compensate for airway interface leaks variable flow control and adjustable I:E ratios ability to run on 12 volt DC (battery) power certification for use during MRI procedures None . [A patient is receiving volume control A/C ventilation. The patient has become increasingly agitated and the end-tidal CO2 has decreased from 39 to 28 torr over the last 2 hours. Which of the following is the most likely cause?] increased cardiac output mainstem intubation high body temperature increased ventilation None . [At an FIO2 of 0.30, a pulse oximeter attached to the right index finger of a 6 week-old infant displays an SaO2 of 87% and a pulse of 64/min. A heart monitor reads a simultaneous heart rate of 120/min. Which of the following would be the most appropriate action?] reposition the pulse oximeter increase the FIO2 to 0.40 ventilate the infant with 100% 02 suction the infant None . [What. Is the anticipated fetal outcome for a pregnant women who has diabetes mellitus] IUGR Prematurity Large for gestational age Fetal Asphyxia None . [Which of the following is not a contraindication for pulmonary function testing?] Pneumothorax Recent eye surgery Pulmonary embolism Coughing Recent myocardial infarction None . [At what level should the diaphragm be to verify a good inspiration on an AP chest radiograph?] 6-7th posterior ribs 8-9th posterior ribs 10-11th posterior ribs 12th posterior rib None . [During an IPPB treatment, the machine fails to cycle off. Which of the following actions could you take to correct this problem?] increase the pressure setting replace the IPPB unit/re-attach the breathing circuit check the circuit/all connections for leaks and correct decrease the available inspiratory flow None . [While suctioning an adult patient receiving ventilatory support, you note the heart rate decreases abruptly from 92 to 55/min. Which of the following actions could help prevent or minimize this problem?] Recommend a bolus of atropine before suctioning Instill lidocaine (Xylocaine) into the trachea before suctioning Increase the FIO2 to 1.0 for at least 30-60 seconds before suctioning Give the patient 2 MDI puffs of beclomethasone before suctioning None . [An asthmatic girl has been using a SVN for Ventolin treatment for the past few years. Her prescription was to use 2.5 mg. How many puffs with an MDI and spacer should she use?] 2 5 8 10 None . [While performing a routine check on an intubated patient receiving pressure control SIMV, you feel course vibrations on his chest wall during both inspiration and expiration. You should do which of the following?] perform endobronchial suctioning switch to volume control SIMV decrease the ventilator pressure limit recommend a bronchodilator treatment None . [Hyperventilation as a therapy for an acute head injury is used for its _____ effects and _____ cerebral blood flow.] Vasodilatory, increases Vasoconstrictory, increases Vasodilatory, decreases Vasoconstrictory, decreases None . [To calibrate a portable bedside spirometer you need which of the following equipment?] a U-tube water column manometer a mechanical (vane-type) respirometer a large volume (3 L) calibration syringe a precision calibrated flowmeter None . [What is the significance of an infant with RDS demonstrating a grunting during exhaalation] An attempt to overcome increased airway resistance Resolution of the RDS An effort to establish/maintain FRC Impending death      None . [True of Midazolam] Causes retrograde amnesia Causes pain at injection site 0.1-0.3 mg/kg dose 1-3 mg/kg dose None . [In CMV-PC adaptive mode, which of the following events would occur if the ETT suddenly became partially occluded due to a slight kinking in the airway:] The vent would immediately cycle to high pressure alarm setting Deliver Vt would increase The airway pressure would rise in steps with each subsequent breath Nothing would change None . Time's up